As our adventure continues, we are constantly reminded of its beginnings. Just as GREEN DARKNESS searches for answers to present questions in the past, I am also looking into my own past to discover how I got here.
Did it start when I first read the book, or when I wanted to find out whether it had been made into a movie? I'm not sure.
I still remember the moment I googled GREEN DARKNESS MOVIE and found "Following the Trail of Anya Seton's Green Darkness" blog by Tamara Mazzei.
That excitement propelled us on this journey. Then it was learning that the rights to the book were available.
But for me, perhaps it started long before I even read the book. It may have started with my Dad and his love and belief in me. Since it's Father's Day, I'd like to send a whopping big THANK YOU, DAD heavenward. I miss you and hope you're still as proud of your little girl!
We all need someone to believe in us to give us the push forward. Personally, I'm a pushover for any story that involves a parent-child relationship.
I think that's partly why GREEN DARKNESS, the novel, is so powerful. The main character in the past, Celia, is looking for a family. She finds "belonging" in a seemingly unsuitable person--Stephen, a priest, but also the father figure she never had. And he also eventually acknowledges that he has found the same in her.
Is that the answer? Are we all just constantly looking for belonging?
Happy Father's Day to all~~