Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Happy and healthy 2013 greetings to all our readers and fans of Anya Seton's tremendous novel GREEN DARKNESS.

Our last blog was back on November 30, 2012 when we asked you to participate in spreading the word about our screenplay adaptation of the novel. You responded positively -- big time! The number of views for this blog increased weekly at a truly amazing rate. We are up to 4100 views and climbing. Thank you for that boost to the blog -- it buoys our confidence in the project, too.

This month we'd like to enlist your help again... we have a GREEN DARKNESS Adaptation page on Facebook. It has 837 likes -- a small number compared with the 2664 likes for Anya Seton's FB page and the 1592 likes for the Green Darkness novel's page.

So... are you on Facebook? Have you 'liked' our Green Darkness Adaptation page? If not, please consider doing so. You could also enlist your friends in doing the same thing.

The higher we can raise the GD stats, the better the chance that a film producer will take note of our project.
And as always we are open to suggestions for bringing positive attention to the adaptation screenplay.

May 2013 be THE year we all see the script go into development, and move a step closer to the big screen!

Until next time --
Marla & Angela