Hello, Green Darkness novel fans.
Yes, we mean you... all 3,000 of you who have been reading our
blog since we began posting. We truly appreciate your dedication to dropping in
on this site. Especially since our
updates have become rather sporadic.
We both dislike the cliché 'no news is good news', however, in
this instance, concerning our GREEN DARKNESS adaptation screenplay, it truly
does hold an element of truth.
This entry wouldn't be complete without mentioning another
adage that actors have long claimed describes their working conditions on a film
set - "it's all hurry up and wait".
The time has come for screenwriters to claim shared ownership
of that expression. It aptly describes some of the frustrations we encounter when
dealing with the Biz of Hollywood. That saying is at least preferable to the interminable 'silent no'.
Keep checking this blog, fans.
The news, good news, could come at any time.
Marla & Angela