We thought we would share with our readers some of the comments our adaptation script of GREEN DARKNESS has gathered along the road to being optioned. We're still driving in the fast lane of that highway of dreams -- 12 producers are reading the screenplay --
hopefully at this very moment --
“Given the red-hot status of the book, I’m sure you will find a great home for this project.”
“well-written; liked premise”
“script well-crafted & strongly written”
C.B. Green Darkness is an eternal novel, repeatedly a Best Seller, your wonderful script is destined to become a Wonderful and Successful Movie, mmm, Poducers should be bright ... & fast enough to seize this golden opportunity!
D.E. I can't tell you how thrilled I am to see this wonderful work of fiction brought a bit closer to the big screen. I've read the book at least 40 times in the past 39 years since it was first published. I am so psyched for this movie to be made!
C.B. I cannot express with words how exciting it's following your work
D.J. I've read the book twice over this holiday break, loved the story and can't wait to see it on the big screen!
K.S. Just found your blog and I’m so excited you’ve taken on this adaptation!
C.S. I am so excited that you are going to bring my all-time favorite book to the big screen! …I think as long as you make sure people know that it was originally Green Darkness, you’ll fill those theaters!